【NEW ARRIVAL】Yasuto Yonehara | Kyoto Folding Fan

I apprenticed myself to Mr. Shinji Yonehara, a traditional craftsman, and learned the techniques of making Kyoto folding fans.

Kyoto folding fans are characterized by the division of labor among craftsmen with specialized knowledge and skills.

Each takes their time to carefully produce a high-quality craftwork that expresses a uniquely Japanese aesthetic sense.

Through my work in foil stamping, I was deeply touched by the traditional and mysterious virtues of Japanese Shinto rituals and arts, and I strongly felt that this is something that should be preserved for a long time to come.

I hope you will try to incorporate the culture of the folding fan into your daily life with these new original items, which match your modern lifestyle while preserving tradition.

Click Yasuto Yonehara | Kyoto Folding Fan for details!

