This is a collective summary of traditional Japanese crafts as designated by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The comprehensive list extensively covers the designated crafts, as well as includes the names of the areas where the crafts are produced.

Textiles / Woven Patterns

A loom is used to weave natural threads of hemp, cotton, or silk in accordance with a set pattern. Textiles have a very long history, as indicated by a piece of hemp cloth dating back to about 4,000 B.C. that was discovered among Egyptian ruins, and cloth textures found on earthenware indicate that loom weaving was already practiced in Japan more than 2,000 years ago.
The threads are dyed colors that are suitable for the cloth's intended use, and the kimono that are subsequently crafted are either for everyday use or special occasions.
1. 二風谷アットウシ Nibutani-attus (Weaving), Hokkaido
2. 置賜紬 Oitama-Pongee (Weaving), Yamagata
3. 羽越しな布 Uetsu-Shinafu (Weaving), Yamagata/Niigata
4. 奥会津昭和からむし織 Oku-Aizu-Showa-Karamushi-Ori (Weaving), Fukushima
5. 結城紬 Yuki-Tsumugi (Weaving), Tochigi
6. 伊勢崎絣 Isesaki-Gasuri (Weaving), Gunma
7. 桐生織 Kiryu-Ori (Weaving), Gunma
8. 秩父銘仙 Chichibu-Meisen (Weaving), Saitama
9. 村山大島紬 Murayama-Oshima-Tsumugi (Weaving), Tokyo
10. 本場黄八丈 Honba-Kihachijo (Weaving), Tokyo
11. 多摩織 Tama-Ori (Weaving), Tokyo
12. 塩沢紬 Shiozawa-Tsumugi (Weaving), Niigata
13. 本塩沢 Hon-Shiozawa (Weaving), Niigata
14. 小千谷縮 Ojiya-Chijimi (Weaving), Niigata
15. 小千谷紬 Ojiya-Tsumugi (Weaving), Niigata
16. 十日町絣 Tokamachi-Gasuri (Weaving), Niigata
17. 十日町明石ちぢみ Tokamachi-Akashi-Chijimi (Weaving), Niigata
18. 牛首紬 Ushikubi-Tsumugi (Weaving), Ishikawa
19. 信州紬 Shinshu-Tsumugi (Weaving), Nagano
20. 近江上布 Omi-Jofu (Weaving), Shiga
21. 西陣織 Nishijin-Ori (Weaving), Kyoto
22. 弓浜絣 Yumihama-Gasuri (Weaving), Tottori
23. 阿波正藍しじら織 Awa-Shoai-Shjira-Ori (Weaving), Tokushima
24. 博多織 Hakata-Ori (Weaving), Fukuoka
25. 久留米絣 Kurume-Gasuri (Weaving), Fukuoka
26. 本場大島紬 Honba-Oshima-Tsumugi (Weaving), Miyazaki / Kagoshima
27. 久米島紬 Kumejima-Tsumugi (Weaving), Okinawa
28. 宮古上布 Miyako-Jofu (Weaving), Okinawa
29. 読谷山花織 Yuntanza-Hanaori (Weaving), Okinawa
30. 読谷山ミンサー Yuntanza-Minsa (Weaving), Okinawa
31. 琉球絣 Ryukyu-Kasuri (Weaving), Okinawa
32. 首里織 Shuri-Ori (Weaving), Okinawa
33. 与那国織 Yonaguni-Ori (Weaving), Okinawa
34. 喜如嘉の芭蕉布 Kijoka-No-Bashofu (Weaving), Okinawa
35. 八重山ミンサー Yaeyama-Minsa (Weaving), Okinawa
36. 八重山上布 Yaeyama-Jofu (Weaving), Okinawa
37. 知花花織 Chibana-Hanaori (Weaving), Okinawa
38. 南風原花織 Haebaru-Hanaori (Weaving), Okinawa
Textiles / Dyed Patterns

Cloth woven from silk or cotton threads is dyed to decorate it with various designs. Dyeing techniques came to Japan from China and Korea in the 7th century, and subsequently, different dyes and dyeing techniques were developed in Japan. The cloth can be dyed by applying dyes directly to the cloth with a brush, using a pattern stencil to apply a repetitive design, binding part of cloth so the undyed parts form the design (tie-dyeing), etc.
Kimono made from beautifully dyed fabric with delicate designs are worn for ceremonious occasions.
1. 東京染小紋 Tokyo-Some-Komon (Dyeing), Tokyo
2. 東京手描友禅 Tokyo-Tegaki-Yuzen (Dyeing), Tokyo
3. 東京無地染 Tokyo-Muji-Zome (Dyeing), Tokyo
4. 加賀友禅 Kaga-Yuzen (Dyeing), Ishikawa
5. 有松・鳴海絞 Arimatsu-Narumi-Shibori (Shaped-Resist Dyeing), Aichi
6. 名古屋友禅 Nagoya-Yuzen (Dyeing), Aichi
7. 名古屋黒紋付染 Nagoya-Kuromontsuki-Zome (Dyeing), Aichi
8. 京鹿の子絞 Kyo-Kanoko-Shibori (Tie-Dyeing), Kyoto
9. 京友禅 Kyo-Yuzen (Dyeing), Kyoto
10. 京小紋 Kyo-Komon (Dyeing), Kyoto
11. 京黒紋付染 Kyo-Kuromontsuki-Zome (Dyeing), Kyoto
12. 琉球びんがた Ryukyu-Bingata (Dyeing), Okinawa
Related articles:
▶ 7 Japanese Kimono/Yukata That Our Japanese Editing Team Love
▶ The Complete Guide to Traditional Japanese Crafts
Textiles / Embroidered Patterns and Braided Cords
Braided cords in different patterns, mostly using silk threads, were made even prior to the 8th century, using various types of looms. These decorative cords were first used for tying sutra scrolls on robes, and then later on sword hilts. Later, they were used for tying things such as obi and haori. The weaving techniques have developed over the years, so now almost any pattern can be produced. In Japan, the embroidery was also used to decorate clothing and warriors' garb before the development of patterned dyeing techniques. Reaching the peak of technical sophistication, embroidery has been applied to wall hangings and screens, as well as used on kimono and obi.
1. 加賀繍 Kaga-Nui (Embroidery), Ishikawa
2. 伊賀くみひも Iga-Kumihimo (Braid), Mie
3. 京繍 Kyo-Nui (Embroidery), Kyoto
4. 京くみひも Kyoto-Kumihimo (Braid), Kyoto

The two major types of ceramics are pottery and porcelain. Pottery mainly consists of clay and is fired at 700℃ - 1300℃. Pottery can be glazed before firing or fired unglazed. The appeal for pottery is in the color of the glaze or the natural appearance of the fired clay.
Porcelain mainly consists of crushed toseki (ceramic stone) and is fired at 1250℃ - 1300℃. During firing, it vitrifies, becoming very hard. Colored designs painted on the pure-white surface show up very vividly.
1. 大堀相馬焼 Obori-Soma-Yaki (Pottery), Fukushima
2. 会津本郷焼 Aizu-Hongo-Yaki (Ceramics), Fukushima
3. 笠間焼 Kasama-Yaki (Pottery), Ibaraki
4. 益子焼 Mashiko-Yaki (Pottery), Tochigi
5. 九谷焼 Kutani-Yaki (Pottery), Ishikawa
6. 美濃焼 Mino-Yaki (Ceramics), Gifu
7. 常滑焼 Tokoname-Yaki (Pottery), Aichi
8. 赤津焼 Akazu-Yaki (Pottery), Aichi
9. 瀬戸染付焼 Seto-Sometsuke-Yaki (Ceramics), Aichi
10. 三州鬼瓦工芸品 Sanshu-Onigawara-Kogeihin (Tile), Aichi
11. 四日市萬古焼 Yokaichi-Banko-Yaki (Ceramics), Mie
12. 伊賀焼 Iga-Yaki (Pottery), Mie
13. 越前焼 Echizen-Yaki (Pottery), Fukui
14. 信楽焼 Shigaraki-Yaki (Pottery), Shiga
15. 京焼・清水焼 Kyo-Yaki-Kiyomizu-Yaki (Ceramics), Kyoto
16. 丹波立杭焼 Tamba-Tachikui-Yaki (Pottery), Hyogo
17. 出石焼 Izushi-Yaki (Porcelain), Hyogo
18. 石見焼 Iwami-Yaki (Pottery), Shimane
19. 備前焼 Bizen-Yaki (Pottery), Okayama
20. 萩焼 Hagi-Yaki (Pottery), Yamaguchi
21. 大谷焼 Otani-Yaki (Pottery), Tokushima
22. 砥部焼 Tobe-Yaki (Porcelain), Ehime
23. 小石原焼 Koishiwara-Yaki (Pottery), Fukuoka
24. 上野焼 Agano-Yaki (Pottery), Fukuoka
25. 伊万里・有田焼 Imari-Arita-Yaki (Porcelain), Saga
26. 唐津焼 Karatsu-Yaki (Pottery), Saga
27. 三川内焼 Mikawachi-Yaki (Porcelain), Nagasaki
28. 波佐見焼 Hasami-Yaki (Porcelain), Nagasaki
29. 小代焼 Shodai-Yaki (Pottery), Kumamoto
30. 天草陶磁器 Amakusa-Tojiki (Porcelain), Kumamoto
31. 薩摩焼 Satsuma-Yaki (Ceramics), Kagoshima
32. 壷屋焼 Tsuboya-Yaki (Pottery), Okinawa
More info: ▶ Traditional Japanese Crafts: The Complete Guide to Japanese Ceramics

Lacquerware consists of a wooden body that is coated with the sap of the lacquer tree. This sap has several characteristics which make it an excellent coating: it lasts many years without peeling off, is waterproof and prevents decay, and is quite resistant to heat and electricity.
Lacquerware production is very time-consuming and requires much work. The wooden body must be given many coats of lacquer before the work is finally completed. Furthermore, it often becomes a brilliant decoration when gold, silver, or shells are applied to the surface.
1. 津軽塗 Tsugaru-Nuri (Lacquerware), Aomori
2. 秀衝塗 Hidehira-Nuri (Lacquerware), Iwate
3. 浄法寺塗 Joboji-Nuri (Lacquerware), Iwate
4. 鳴子漆器 Naruko-Shikki (Lacquerware), Miyagi
5. 川連漆器 Kawatsura-Shikki (Lacquerware), Akita
6. 会津塗 Aizu-Nuri (Lacquerware), Fukushima
7. 鎌倉彫 Kamakura-Bori (Lacquerware), Kanagawa
8. 小田原漆器 Odawara-Shikki (Lacquerware), Kanagawa
9. 村上木彫堆朱 Murakami-Kibori-Tsuishu (Lacquerware), Niigata
10. 新潟漆器 Niigata-Shikki (Lacquerware), Niigata
11. 木曽漆器 Kiso-Shikki (Lacquerware), Nagano
12. 高岡漆器 Takaoka-Shikki (Lacquerware), Toyama
13. 輪島塗 Wajima-Nuri (Lacquerware), Ishikawa
14. 山中漆器 Yamanaka-Shikki (Lacquerware), Ishikawa
15. 金沢漆器 Kanazawa-Shikki (Lacquerware), Ishikawa
16. 飛騨春慶 Hida-Shunkei (Lacquerware), Gifu
17. 越前漆器 Echizen-Shikki (Lacquerware), Fukui
18. 若狭塗 Wakasa-Nuri (Lacquerware), Fukui
19. 京漆器 Kyo-Shikki (Lacquerware), Kyoto
20. 紀州漆器 KIsyu-Shikki (Lacquerware), Wakayama
21. 大内塗 Ouchi Lacquer Ware (Lacquerware), Yamaguchi
22. 香川漆器 Kagawa-Nuri (Lacquerware), Kagawa
23. 琉球漆器 Ryukyu-Shikki (Lacquerware), Okinawa
Related articles:
▶ Traditional Japanese Crafts: “Wajima-nuri” - Magical Lacquerware That Changes Color With Time
▶ Traditional Japanese Crafts: The Complete Guide to Japanese Lacquerware
Bamboo and Woodcraft

As Japan extends from north to south, its climate is extremely varied. Abundant rain makes lumber and bamboo plentiful, and there are many types of these that are used to make wooden items: joinery, turnery, bending, carving, molding, hooping, wooden mosaics, inlays, etc. Strips of bamboo are often woven together to make baskets and other items, but bamboo is also used to make poles, bows and arrows, and tea whisks, as well as parts of folding and round fans, paper lanterns, writing brushes, and abacuses.
1. 二風谷イタ Nibutani-Ita (Woodwork), Hokkaido
2. 岩谷堂箪笥 Iwayado-Tansu (Furniture), Iwate
3. 仙台箪笥 Sendai-Tansu (Furniture), Miyagi
4. 樺細工 Kaba-Zaiku (Cherry-Bark Work), Akita
5. 大館曲げわっぱ Odate-Mage-Wappa (Bentwood Work), Akita
6. 秋田杉樽桶 Akita-Sugi-Oke-Taru (Woodwork), Akita
7. 奥会津編み組細工 Oku-Aizu-Amikumi-Zaiku (Basketry), Fukushima
8. 春日部桐箪笥 Kasukabe-Kiri-Tansu (Furniture), Saitama
9. 江戸和竿 Edo-Wazao (Fishing Rod), Tokyo
10. 江戸指物 Edo-Sashimono (Woodwork), Tokyo
11. 箱根寄木細工 Hakone-Yosegi-Zaiku (Marquetry), Kanagawa
12. 加茂桐箪笥 Kamo-Kiri-Tansu (Furniture), Niigata
13. 松本家具 Matsumoto-Kagu (Furniture), Nagano
14. 南木曽ろくろ細工 Nagiso-Rokuto-Zaiku (Woodwork), Nagano
15. 駿河竹千筋細工 Suruga-Takesensuji-Zaiku (Bamboo Latticeware), Shizuoka
16. 井波彫刻 Inami-Chokoku (Woodcarving), Toyama
17. 一位一刀彫 Ichii-Itto-Bori (Woodcarving), Gifu
18. 名古屋桐箪笥 Nagoya-Kiri-Tansu (Furniture), Aichi
19. 越前箪笥 Echizen-Tansu (Furniture), Fukui
20. 京指物 Kyo-Sashimono (Woodwork), Kyoto
21. 大阪欄間 Osaka-Ranma (Woodwork), Osaka
22. 大阪唐木指物 Osaka Fine Cabinetry (Cabinetry), Osaka
23. 大阪泉州桐箪笥 Osaka-Senshu-Kiri-Tansu (Furniture), Osaka
24. 大阪金剛簾 Osaka-Kongo-Sudare (Bamboo Blind), Osaka
25. 豊岡杞柳細工 Toyooka-Kiryu-Zaiku (Wickerwork), Hyogo
26. 高山茶筌 Takayama-Chasen (Tea Whisk), Nara
27. 紀州箪笥 Kishu-Tansu (Furniture), Wakayama
28. 紀州へら竿 Kishu-Herazao (Fishing Rod), Wakayama
29. 勝山竹細工 Katsuyama-Take-Zaiku (Bamboo Craft), Okayama
30. 宮島細工 Miyajima-Zaiku (Woodwork), Hiroshima
31. 別府竹細工 Beppu-Take-Zaiku (Bamboo Craft), Oita
32. 都城大弓 Miyakonojo-Daikyu (Bow), Miyazaki

Since ancient times, metal has been divided into five representative types: gold, silver, copper, tin, and iron. Each of these metals has its own particular coloring, luster, and feel, giving each a unique beauty.
The two main techniques used for creating metalworks are casting and beating. Casting involves pouring melted metal into a mold in order to shape it. Beating creates flat items such as knives and metal vessels by beating the metal until it flattens out.
1. 南部鉄器 Nambu-Tekki (Ironware), Iwate
2. 山形鋳物 Yamagata-Imono (Casting), Yamagata
3. 千葉工匠具 Chiba-Koshogu (Smithery), Chiba
4. 東京銀器 Tokyo-Ginki (Silverware), Tokyo
5. 東京アンチモニー工芸品 Tokyo-Antimony-Kogeihin (Casting), Tokyo
6. 燕鎚起銅器 Tsubame-Tsuki-Doki (Copperware), Niigata
7. 越後与板打刃物 Echigo-Yoita-Uchihamono (Smithery), Niigata
8. 越後三条打刃物 Echigo-Sanjo-Uchinamono (Smithery), Niigata
9. 信州打刃物 Shinshu-Uchihamono (Smithery), Nagano
10. 高岡銅器 Takaoka-Doki (Copperware), Toyama
11. 越前打刃物 Echizen-Uchihamono (Smithery), Fukui
12. 堺打刃物 Sakai-Uchihamono (Smithery), Osaka
13. 大阪浪華錫器 Osaka-Naniwa-Suzuki (Tinware), Osaka
14. 播州三木打刃物 Banshu-Miki-Uchihamono (Smithery), Hyogo
15. 土佐打刃物 Tosa-Uchihamono (Smithery), Kochi
16. 肥後象がん Higo-Zogan (Metalwork), Kumamoto
Related articles:
▶ 8 Things You Didn’t Know About Japanese Kitchen Knives
▶ Introducing Echizen Uchihamono, Classic Japanese Kitchen Knives
Household Buddhist Altars and Fittings

Buddhism, the origins of which date back to the 5th century B.C. in India, came to Japan in the 6th century. However, it did not begin spreading among the common people until the 13th century. It was the middle of the 17th century when household Buddhist altars became common fixtures in the homes of ordinary families.
A butsudan is a Buddhist household altar that contains an image of Buddha and the family ancestral mortuary tables. In order to create the Paradise, or "Pure Land" promised in Buddhism in the limited space of a household altar, the making of a butsudan involves expertise in many traditional crafts, including carpentry, metalworking, and lacquering.
1. 山形仏壇 Yamagata-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Yamagata
2. 新潟・白根仏壇 Nigata-Shirone-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Niigata
3. 長岡仏壇 Nagaoka-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Niigata
4. 三条仏壇 Sanjo-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Niigata
5. 飯山仏壇 Iiyama-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Nagano
6. 金沢仏壇 Kanazawa-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Ishikawa
7. 七尾仏壇 Nanao-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Ishikawa
8. 名古屋仏壇 Nagoya-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Aichi
9. 三河仏壇 Mikawa-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Aichi
10. 尾張仏具 Owari-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Aichi
11. 彦根仏壇 Hikone-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Shiga
12. 京仏壇 Kyo-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Kyoto
13. 京仏具 Kyo-Butsugu (Buddhist Religious Objects), Kyoto
14. 大阪仏壇 Osaka-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Osaka
15. 広島仏壇 Hiroshima-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Hiroshima
16. 八女福島仏壇 Yame-Fukushima-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Fukuoka
17. 川辺仏壇 Kawanabe-Butsudan (Household Buddhist Altar), Kagoshima
Washi Paper

The origins of Japanese papermaking can be traced back to the 6th century when the tomesuki method of papermaking was introduced to Japan from China via Korea. By the 8th century, papers were being made using the nagashisuki method in various provinces throughout the country.
Washi paper today is being produced more or less in the traditional method, and utilized for a wide range of uses, including sliding shoji panels, wallpaper, and lanterns, as well as for writing and painting. The principal raw materials are kozo, mitsumata, ganpi, and Manila hemp.
1. 内山紙 Uchiyama-Gami (Hand-Made Paper), Nagano
2. 越中和紙 Etchu-Washi (Hand-Made Paper), Toyama
3. 美濃和紙 Mino-Washi (Hand-Made Paper), Gifu
4. 越前和紙 Echizen-Washi (Hand-Made Paper), Fukui
5. 因州和紙 Inshu-Washi (Hand-Made Paper), Tottori
6. 石州和紙 Sekishu-Washi (Hand-Made Paper), Shimane
7. 阿波和紙 Awa-Washi (Hand-Made Paper), Tokushima
8. 大洲和紙 Ozu-Washi (Hand-Made Paper), Ehime
9. 土佐和紙 Tosa-Washi (Hand-Made Paper), Kochi
Writing Tools and Abacus

Writing tools such as calligraphy brushes, inkstone, sumi ink, and paper, as well as the abacus, were all introduced to Japan from China and became indispensable to Japanese life. By the 18th century, when commercial activities along with reading and writing were taught to the general populace, these tools and instruments came into widespread use among the commoners.
1. 雄勝硯 Ogatsu-Suzuri (Inkstone), Miyagi
2. 豊橋筆 Toyohashi-Fude (Writing Brush), Aichi
3. 鈴鹿墨 Suzuka-Sumi (Ink Stick), Mie
4. 播州そろばん Banshu-Soroban (Abacus), Hyogo
5. 奈良筆 Nara-Fude (Writing Brush), Nara
6. 雲州そろばん Unshu-Soroban (Abacus), Shimane
7. 熊野筆 Kumano-Fude (Writing Brush), Hiroshima
8. 川尻筆 Kawajiri-Fude (Writing Brush), Hiroshima
9. 赤間硯 Akama-Suzuri (Inkstone), Yamaguchi
Related article: ▶ 4 Amazing Japanese Makeup Tools That Japanese Makeup Fans Highly Recommend
Handicrafts made of stones include lanterns, small five-storied pagodas, basins, and statues. With the introduction of Buddhism, stone lanterns arrived in Japan from the Korean Peninsula to provide votive light at Buddhist memorial services.
During the Heian period (ca. 794 - 1185), such lanterns began to appear on the grounds of Shinto shrines to provide illumination. It has also become one of the most important parts of the traditional Japanese garden as an ornamental piece.
1. 真壁石灯篭 Makabe-Ishidoro (Stone Lantern), Ibaraki
2. 岡崎石工品 Okazaki-Sekkohin (Stonework), Aichi
3. 京石工芸品 Kyo-Ishi-Kogehin (Stonework), Kyoto
4. 出雲石灯ろう Izumo-Ishidoro (Stone Lantern), Tottori / Shimane
Semi Precious Stone Craftwork
The origins of this craft can be traced back to the making of magatama (curved jewels), kudatama (cylindrical beads), and kirikodama (faceted beads), which were often discovered in mounded tombs from the Kofun period (ca. 300-710). During the Nara (ca. 710 - 794) and Heian periods, following the introduction of Buddhism in the 6th century, rock crystal was made into various religious objects such as Buddhist rosaries, reliquaries for Buddhist relics, rollers for Buddhist scrolls, and coronets for Buddhist images. From the Edo period (ca. 1603 - 1868) onward, various ornaments such as netsuke and hairpins were produced along with Buddhist rosaries, and production centers were gradually established.
1. 甲州水晶貴石細工 Koshu-Suisho-Kiseki-Zaiku (Stonework), Yamanashi
2. 若狭めのう細工 Wakasa-Meno-Zaiku (Stonework), Fukui
Dolls and Kokeshi

Dolls have served a wide variety of purposes throughout history, such as having talismanic properties and also as playthings. The early tsuchi-ningyo (earthen or clay dolls) and the simple carved wooden dolls in plain costumes developed into sophisticated and refined dolls with high aesthetic value.
Kokeshi dolls, whose wooden body is shaped on a lathe and has flowery designs painted on, are distinctively Japanese and reasonably priced, so they are popular souvenirs or gifts.
1. 宮城伝統こけし Miyagi-Dento-Kokeshi (Wooden Doll), Miyagi
2. 江戸木目込人形 Edo-Kimekomi-Ningyo (Wooden Doll), Saitama / Tokyo
3. 岩槻人形 Iwatsuki-Ningyo (Wooden Doll), Saitama
4. 江戸節句人形 Edo-Sekku-Ningyo (Doll), Tokyo
5. 駿河雛具 Suruga-Hinagu (Woodwork), Shizuoka
6. 駿河雛人形 Suruga-Hina-Ningyo (Doll), Shizuoka
7. 京人形 Kyo-Ningyo (Doll), Kyoto
8. 博多人形 Hakata-Ningyo (Doll), Fukuoka
Related articles:
▶ 6 Japanese Lucky Charms: The Allure of the Daruma and Lucky Cat
▶ Traditional Japanese Crafts: The Complete Guide to Japanese Dolls
Other Crafts

Described here are fine traditional crafts. They are made of different materials and by remarkable crafting techniques. Shogi-koma (wooden pieces for shogi game), paper lanterns, round and folding fans, lacquered deer hide, musical instruments, fishing tackle, cloisonne, karakami, cut glass, engraved seals, and paper mounts are among such crafts.
1. 天童将棋駒 Tendo-Shogi-Koma (Woodcraft), Yamagata
2. 房州うちわ Boshu-Uchiwa (Round Fan), Chiba
3. 江戸からかみ Edo-Karakami (Decorated Paper), Tokyo
4. 江戸切子 Edo-Kiriko (Cut Glass), Tokyo
5. 江戸木版画 Edo-Mokuhanga (Woodblock Print), Tokyo
6. 江戸硝子 Edo-Garass (Glass Ware), Tokyo
7. 江戸べっ甲 Edo-Bekko (Tortoiseshell), Tokyo
8. 甲州印伝 Koshu-Inden (Lacquered Deer Hide), Yamanashi
9. 甲州手彫印章 Koshu-Tebori-Insho (Engraved Seal), Yamanashi
10. 岐阜提灯 Gifu-Chochin (Paper Lantern), Gifu
11. 尾張七宝 Owari-Shippo (Cloisonne Ware), Aichi
12. 越中福岡の菅笠 Etchu-Fukuoka-No-Sugegasa (Sedge Hat), Toyama
13. 京扇子 Kyo-Sensu (Folding Paper Fan), Kyoto
14. 京うちわ Kyoto-Uchiwa (Round Paper Fan), Kyoto
15. 京表具 Kyo-Hyogu (Mounting), Kyoto
16. 播州毛鉤 Banshu-Kebari (Fishhook), Hyogo
17. 福山琴 Fukuyama-Koto (Plane Harp), Hiroshima
18. 丸亀うちわ Marugame-Uchiwa (Round Paper Fan), Kagawa
19. 八女提灯 Yame-Chohin (Paper Lantern), Fukuoka
20. 長崎べっ甲 Nagasaki-Bekko (Tortoiseshell), Nagasaki
21. 山鹿灯籠 Yamaga-Toro (Garden Lantern), Kumamoto
22. 三線 Sanshin (Stringed Instruments), Okinawa
Related article: ▶ The Many Examples of Japanese Craftwork
Materials and Tools for Making Crafts

It is not unusual for artisans in an area famous for a particular traditional craft to use materials and tools from another area.
The items described here are not the crafts themselves, but rather the tools and materials necessary to make traditional crafts.
1. 庄川挽物木地 Shogawa-Hikimono-Kiji (Woodwork), Toyama
2. 金沢箔 Kanazawa-Haku (Gold Leaf Crafting), Ishikawa
3. 伊勢形紙 Ise-Katagami (Stencil Paper), Mie
Related article: ▶ A Guide to the Traditional Japanese Craft: Kanazawa Gold Leaf
Information Source (Japanese Only): The Association for the Promotion of Traditional Craft Industries' Traditional Crafts of Japan
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The information in this article is accurate at the time of publication.