【NEW ARRIVAL】Unkindo Fukatsu Folding Fan Store|Edo folding fan

Established 150 years ago in the late Edo period. It has produced fans for the Imperial Family and Kabuki actors. The delicate technique of knowing whether a fan is good or bad just by holding it. The fifth generation, who inherited it from his father, is one of only two Edo-style fan craftsmen left.

The distinctive feature of this craft is that more than 30 processes are carried out by a single craftsman. This allows for fine adjustments and innovations to be made to suit the material. The appeal of these fans is that they are designed with a modern sensibility by craftsmen who have inherited traditional techniques.

Wide folding fans make a pleasant 'clang' sound when they are closed. Feel the coolness from the sound as well as the breeze from the fan. Why not try one of these 'chic and inauspicious' Edo fans?

New fan designs have now been added.

Click Unkindo Fukatsu Folding Fan Store |Edo folding fan for details!
