Taking on new woodworking challenges
- 1945
- Woodworking
- Masashi Yamada

Starting from nothing after the war
Yamada Mokkousyo is a manufacturer of fittings founded in 1945 in Kyoto Prefecture.
It was shortly after the war, when there was nothing, that the company borrowed tools and began manufacturing fittings.
Since then, the company has manufactured fittings, furniture, and other woodworking products made to order, delivering goods that meet the needs of its customers.
In recent years, however, the beauty and charm of Japanese architecture has gradually been disappearing as lifestyles have shifted to a more Western style and the number of Japanese-style rooms with shoji screens and fusuma sliding doors has decreased.
In the midst of these circumstances, we felt it was our important role to carry on the wisdom and techniques of our predecessors.
In addition to preserving traditions, we are also taking on the challenge of creating new products by incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as 3D, laser processing machines, and UV printers.
These challenges have enabled us to create innovative shapes that we could not make before, and the range of our products has expanded dramatically.
Creating happiness through wood
Our guiding philosophy is "Creating happiness through wood.
” We strive to create products with warmth and comfort for the people who use them.
The name of our brand, "Ki-no-Sachi" is a wish that we can be happy with the blessings from trees.
In line with our philosophy, Kyoto City is currently promoting a certification called "Miyako Somagi" that promotes the use of locally produced timber and protection of woodlands.
By attaching a certification mark to high-quality Kyoto City lumber, thereby displaying its quality and encouraging its use, this initiative promotes local production for local consumption, thereby protecting Kyoto's mountains and towns.
Labeling the carbon content of the wood also helps raise awareness of global warming and increases our contribution to environmental protection.
Our products are limited to materials made of "Miyako Somagi" cypress or cedar, which are grown in Kyoto, and we are proud to produce products that are truly "Kyoto" products, from lumber, to the milling, to the processing.

For Customers
Feel the warmth of wood.
We manufacture wooden fittings, furniture, and other woodworking products using trees grown in Kyoto.
We have preserved the traditional techniques inherited from our predecessors by handcrafting each of our products with the warmth of nature, one by one, with care.
For a time, woodworking products began gradually disappearing in our rapidly modernizing lifestyles and were replaced by products made of easy-to-handle materials.
However, with a renewed focus on global warming and environmental issues, products made of natural materials are being reevaluated once again.
We feel it is important not only to pass on traditional techniques, but also to create products that fit modern lifestyles.
Our wooden products made with a 3D processing machine are unique and original.
We hope you will take one in your hands and feel the warmth of wood.
2021 Awarded Kyoto Contemporary Master Craftsman
2021 Grand Prix award at the 2nd Kyoto International Gift Show Souvenir Grand Prix